Ouder-kind groepen (0 – 4 jaar)

During the year there are multiple lesson block for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. The youngest come together with their parent/caretaker to the music playgroup, the pre-schoolers join the playful classes by themselves.

The youngest babies get amazed by all the sounds, singing and movements. The toddlers are enthusiastic about the peekaboo songs and discovering all musical instruments and play materials!

In the activities for babies and toddlers, the senses are fully stimulated. Many songs are sung with the children on parents lap, with practical songs about tidying and brushing teeth being favorite among many parents! We move and dance together to different types of music. Massages rhymes and musical sound games also pass by. 

The toddlers experience music in its entirety: with musical games, singing, playing on instruments and dancing. From traditional Dutch nursery rhymes to classical music and salsa!

In a playful way, the children discover music together with their parent/caretaker. Good for the parent-child bond and also a lot of fun!

De groepen worden ingedeeld naar leeftijd.

Class structure

The lessons last 45 minutes. 10 Minutes before the class starts you are welcome for a drink. Great for the children to have a transition to get used to the space/other participants and for the parents a great opportunity to socialize!
Elke les begint en eindigt op dezelfde manier. Ook zullen een aantal bekende liedjes/oefeningen terugkomen, omdat jonge kinderen behoefte hebben aan vaste patronen en herhaling. Om het ook voor de ouders leuk te houden komt er elke les ook nieuw materiaal in voor 😉
Apie (Monkey) also loves music and comes to take a look in every baby and young toddler class. For the children this is a familiar element, every time they look forward to seeing him!

Class schedule and register